12 WordPress SEO Tricks To Boost Your Business Website Traffic

12 WordPress SEO Tricks To Boost Your Business Website Traffic


We all want websites that are search engine friendly. Sometimes, when you’re busy, it’s easy to post a new blog post and move onto your next item on your to-do list.

With time, this can really hurt your SEO efforts. That is why Famous Digitalmarketing agency have put together this short list of things you can do to boost your WordPress SEO.

Schedule these tasks to make your blog traffic skyrocket!

1) Post new things regularly

Google has a bias towards new content. Google’s algorithm looks at what the new content is and gives preference to more recent results. Therefore, posting original content regularly is very important.

Also, the size of content matters a lot. Usually, long content ranks higher than short content. So strive to make your post be at least 500 words long.

2) Create a list of keywords

If SEO is your priority, then you will want to develop a list of keywords. This list of keywords and phrases will describe your products and services. These keywords should include words from the search terms that are most likely to be used to find your offers online. For a regular guide on SEO, you can consult the SEO Community. 

Google has some amazing tools to make keyword searching easy, like Google Search, Google Calculate, Google Instant, and the Google Wonder Wheel.

 Tip: If you want a really specific keyword list, Do hire an SEO expert.

 3) Install SEO plugin

SEO plugin will allow you to set keyword-rich custom titles and meta descriptions for your search engine posts.

A couple of popular SEO plugins to consider are All in One SEO Pack and WordPress SEO by Yoast.

Again, it could only be done by a web designer or an  SEO professional can easily install for you.

4) Manually submit to search engines

What good a site can provide if no one can find it? This is why getting listed on Google and other popular search engines and directories are one of the most effective ways to get free targeted traffic to your website.

You’ve probably seen many automated submission services where you pay a small fee to have your site submitted to search engines. These services will not only not help but they can also hurt your site.

Nearly all of these free directories never send a real client to your site, and getting links from these directories can hurt your ability to rank in real search engines like Google and Bing.

The best practice is to submit your site to the search engines by yourself manually. WordPress makes it easy once you set up an account on Google, Bing, and Yandex Webmaster Tools.

Ask your webmaster or Dubai SEO company to set up these accounts, if you are not sure about it.

 5) Add tags to your posts

Ready-to-go WordPress comes with ready to adopt search engines. Tag features are one of those SEO friendly features that you should take advantage of. Make sure to add relevant and related keyword-rich tags to each post you publish.

 6) Comments on other blogs

Link more to other people’s posts on your blogs. Encourage them to link back to you.

Because backlinking is an important search engine factor. A site that has more backlinks is considered as a more authoritative site and it gets a higher position in SERPs.

7) Do Block spam comments

When people comment on your blog, it counts as content for Google. So if you have a website on DIY crafts and someone leaves five comments about “cheap enhancement pills,” it could ruin your keywords’ relevance and hurt your ranking.

Therefore, blocking spam comments from being posted on your blog will improve your SEO as well as make your true blog readers happy.

8) Internal link

 An easy way to get more traffic is to include internal links to your blogs.

For instance, if you have an article on Overcoming Your Resistance to Blog Writing, at the end of that article, post links to “Related Articles that You May Enjoy”.

9) Use alternate image tags

On every image you use in your post, be sure to add the Alt tag to help them rank better in image searches. This is another great place to put relevant keywords.

Google has an image search feature that works in much the same way as searching for web pages with keywords and relevance. So, including Alt tags helps Google find and include your images when someone does an image search.

 10) Adjust blog post titles

If you quickly wrote titles on your blog posts before, take the time to review them first before posting.

Your blog post titles are important to your SEO ranking, so compare the keywords used with your keyword list. Then make your blog titles more keyword-rich.

 11) Add buttons to share on social networks

When Google sees that a blog is getting a lot of posts and shares on social media, it increases the ranking of that blog post.

Make it easy for readers to share posts and help others Tweet and share your amazing content.

 12) Update your theme

Not every WordPress theme is SEO friendly, and free WordPress themes may be hurting your search engine ranking.

Having a premium WordPress theme ensures that your content is indexed by search engines. The developers have taken time to optimize every aspect in terms of security and SEO.

It’s smart to make sure your theme’s programming isn’t littered with inefficient code which slows down load time of a page. We find this problem with purchased themes, and that is why only buy custom designed and built WordPress themes for effective results.

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